Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 ended with the most unsightly and outlandish haircut i ever had.

My usual salon was packed at the last minute and i had to visit the malay barber instead. NEVER will i EVER step into one again. Askin for a short trim and spiky hair, i ended with a schoolboy cut. Do they only know one friggin style?? Thank God he didn't give me a slope on the back, for a consolation..

Well, time to cave in at home till CNY arrives.

31st noon was spent shoppin at Giant and makin sushi. Had steamboat dinner at 鲜得来 with the rest of the ex-starhubbers, before proceedin to Bryan's place for a little gatherin with some sec-school mates as well. Initial plans were drinks and drinkin games, but turned out Green Tea and Coke were preferred. We only wasted one bottle of red wine from the selection of Chivas, Jean Bean and gang..

We had 2 tables of Mahjong. Stoppin for brief seconds of countdown and yellin 'HAPPY NEW YEAR!!', everyone turned back to their tiles. Quite a comical sight if you ask me. By the time everythin ended, it was almost 6am. Had a quick breakfast with Jeff near our former school, and we rushed home..

I had never missed my bed so much..

Am gettin old. Late nights aren't such enjoyable times already. The #$&^*$^%$ feelin i had wakin up late noon the next day is really unbearable. I dropped dead in the evenin again, only to be awake in the middle of the night. And that was when i can't fall asleep anymore..

"So whats your new year resolution for 2009?"

The above became a really popular question for many. I have not given it a really deep thought yet, though i have a gist of whats gonna happen for the year. They are:

1. Gettin my drivin license. My advance theory had expired since 2000 lol.

2. Should results for Q1 and Q2 be optimistic, perhaps, a 4 wheel of my own.

3. Fillin up my new name card holder, which has 240 slots for my clients.

4. And perhaps Lasik for my eyes, if i'm too rich and too free.

I had accomplished half of my 2008 plans. 50% this year will be great too, namely 1 and 3.

26 years old. It is gonna be my 3rd year after completin NS. Much time and money had been wasted over the last 2 years. Can i prevent a similar blunder this year round?

Lets see how will things turn out to be.

I was reminiscin some oldies when i stumble upon this clip.
There is a reason why he is legendary after all.
Enjoy the pioneer of robotic, hiphop and pop dancin.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

I just had a long vigorous swim, stugglin to be awake.
I seriously detest my belly.
Time to do somethin..


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